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About Preachers Kid, Island Soul Food:

I’m excited to share some heartfelt news with you all – As I reflect on the journey from my childhood to where I stand today, I’ve worn a variety of hats – from being a celebrity chef, and international culinary contributor, to an on-screen culinary producer. However, the one closest to my heart is being a preacher’s kid, the son of Bishop Simeon Hall Jr.Growing up in The Bahamas, I witnessed my father lead our family and wholeheartedly serve as Bishop in our church, embodying excellence, unwavering devotion, and integrity in both roles. It brings me immense joy to honour him through the upcoming launch of my very first restaurant, aptly named ‘Preacher’s Kid.’For those unfamiliar with the term, a ‘Preacher’sKid’ or PK is the child of a preacher or pastor. Beyond being a heartfelt homage to my father,the name perfectly aligns with the restaurant’s core mission – to cook and serve what my team and I have coined, ‘island soul food.’Situated in the heart of downtown Nassau at the recently unveiled Nassau Cruise Port, ‘Preacher’s Kid’ is poised to bring our vision of island-inspired soul food to life very, very soon. We’ll be serving an eclectic and sumptuous mix of island-inspired comfort food items, all in a convenient walk-up, casual style. Not only that, but our mission also to connect with young chefs continues as we have made agreements with the School of Tourism, Hospitality, Culinary Arts, and Leisure Management at The University Of The Bahamas. And best believe we will also be working with local food banks like Hands for Hunger and others to honour our mission. So, to those who ask why I am not following in my Father’s footsteps, he feeds the soul and I feed the stomach. Both are needed. (Read yah bible the first foodblog). So come prepared with open hearts and empty stomachs and get ready to be converted to a whole new and enticing culinary experience.

Address & Location


Preacher’s Kid Restaurants

Location Map

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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